Homeothesis is a project created by Nick Cronan in 2023, dedicated to working with nature rather than against it. After a celebrated 20+ year career in design and exiting Branch Creative, an award-winning design studio he co-founded in 2013, Nick has directed his focus towards the earth's regeneration. This move marks a profound shift from creating designs for some of the world's most iconic brands to championing regenerative agriculture. This represents a shift to a cause greater than any product: reconnecting humans with nature. We aim to share vital stories of environmental revival and the journey from exploitation to stewardship.

At its core, Homeothesis is committed to revealing nature's transformative power through compelling visual narratives. It confronts us with a critical decision: to synchronize our practices with the natural world's rhythms or persist on a course towards imbalance and chaos. This initiative seeks to do more than merely spotlight the earth's beauty and resilience; it aims to elevate the pioneers of ecological restoration—those individuals and communities at the forefront of harmonizing human activity with nature's principles. In championing their work, we aspire to cultivate a culture of learning and mutual inspiration, acknowledging that this journey is as much about educating ourselves as it is about sharing with others.

Named to reflect the balance ('homeostasis') we strive to achieve with our ecosystem and the guiding principle ('thesis') behind this pursuit, Homeothesis embodies the belief that environmental rejuvenation and human prosperity are inextricably linked. Simply put, sharing inspiring stories and 'before and after' visuals can be powerful, shifting perspectives among skeptics.